Hypnotherapy Reviews

At the point in my life that I came to you, I was open to alternative therapies. During my first session I surrendered to the process trusting that you would do the right thing for me. After my final session with you, I realised the shift that had taken place. 

My inability to move on from a past trauma was deeply affecting my present interactions and personal and professional relationships. I couldn’t move past it, no matter how much I consciously tried. I still recall our last session which was scheduled for an hour but went on for two. It was PIVOTAL. After your session, I am now unable to access that painful memory much to my relief and joy. I have even tried to hack it and really delve into the past but your session helped me move past that memory completely. I feel light now.

I look forward to work on other issues in the future with you as well. Despite knowing you personally, it isn’t hard for me to let my guard down and trust you knowing I have your discretion. You are gifted and will do right by anyone you work with. I am open to talk to anyone who has any concerns about hypnosis since you have made such an impact in my life. I am eternally indebted. Domestic abuse and past trauma 

- Client Testimonial - Canada

Your session helped me. My negative emotions are being successfully blocked. I don’t know how you did it but I can see the change. – De-traumatizing from the past 

- Client Testimonial - India

I am seeing a new me with nice skin as a manifestation thanks to you. The other day I was meditating and kept seeing the vision I had when you did my last hypnosis session. – Stiff shoulders and dealing with past trauma 

- Client Testimonial - India

That was so refreshing, enlightening and mystical. Thank you for that wonderful experience. I am curious to see what comes from it. I had some visuals and signs that popped up and I hope to be able to make sense of them in the coming weeks. – Weight Management 

- Client Testimonial - India

My friend recently told me that my happy smile is back, my eyes are tension free, and I look great. I told him it was the effects of hypnotherapy. Handling difficult family relationships 

- Client Testimonial - India